By exploiitm Summer School 2024
In the summer school conducted by the Cybersecurity club, titled “The Art of Exploitation” , we provided a 9 session course on binary exploitation. This course covered everything from the basics of C to advanced topics including ret2libc, ASLR and more.
You can find the YouTube playlist of the recordings.
The course had the following topics taught:
Session 1
- Basic C language
- Basic Linux Commands
Session 2
- Introduction to compilation
- Introduction to assembly language
Session 3
- Using GDB
- Overwriting a variable with basic buffer overflow
Session 4
- Understanding how stack frames work
- Types of buffer overflow
- ret2function
- ret2shellcode
Session 5
- Stack canaries as a mitigation to buffer overflow
- Leaking the canary with format string
Session 6
- W^X, preventing shellcode execution
- ret2libc to overcome shellcode execution
Session 7
- Understanding ASLR; the what, the how, and the why
Session 8
- Position Independent Code
- Procedure Linkage Table
- Global Offset Table
- Relocations Read Only - and how it is a necessary evil
Session 9
- Overcoming ASLR with ret2plt
- GOT overwrite with format string